Overall stats about Goal 1 in Tanzania
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targets with data available for at least one indicator

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indicators with data available for Tanzania

indicator coverage for Goal 1 in Tanzania


Tanzania currenty has data on these targets for Goal 1.

Target 1.1

2/2 covered

Target 1.2

2/2 covered

Target 1.3

1/1 covered

Target 1.4

0/2 covered

Target 1.5

3/4 covered

Target 1.a

0/2 covered

Target 1.b

1/1 covered

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The proportion of the population who live in households in which the consumption expenditure falls below an agreed poverty line for basic needs requirements. Basic needs take into account food and non food expenditures per adult equivalent

Method of computation

The headcount ratio measure the percentage of people below the poverty line, and not the households. However, expenditure is estimated at each household level and each household member is assumed to receive equal shares. It does not take intra-household differences into account.


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